Analyst sees Apple winning mobile gaming
The iPhone platform could overtake rivals Nintendo and Sony for the lead in growing handheld gaming in as little as five years, a DFC Intelligence report says. The analyst group believes portable hardware from the Japanese companies is likely to still lead in terms of sheer units in the future but believes growth has "peaked" for devices like the DSi or PSP Go where Apple's platform is still climbing quickly. By 2014, the iPhone and iPod touch are expected to be the only major devices still seeing significant growth.
Researchers explain the anticipated swap in positions as a function of the iPhone platform's wider role compared to the Nintendo and Sony devices. The two consoles are bought primarily only for gaming, with media or Internet use at best a secondary feature. Even for the iPod touch, most who buy Apple's devices are buying them seldom do so with gaming as the primary goal. Internet access and media playback are stronger on iPhone OS devices and give them more flexibility.
Long-term, DFC sees games making up 23 percent of all iPhone app downloads and thus that they will have a secondary but important role.